ZKsync Governance Framework

17 June 2024

As of today, the ZKsync governance system is not yet live. The ZKsync Governance Framework is expected to take effect upon launch of the governance system ("Launch"), and may be changed prior to Launch based on input from security advisor threat modeling and other considerations.


  1. The ZKsync Governance Framework sets out the standard and emergency response procedures of the ZKsync governance system, which governs the ZKsync protocol.

  2. Following Launch, the ZKsync Governance Framework may only be amended by passing a proposal through the GovOps governor.

ZKsync Protocol

Following Launch, the ZKsync governance system is expected to govern smart contracts related to the ZKsync protocol, including but not limited to:

  1. DiamondProxy contract deployed at 0x32400084C286CF3E17e7B677ea9583e60a000324 on Ethereum

  2. Legacy ZKsync ERC20 Bridge deployed at 0x57891966931Eb4Bb6FB81430E6cE0A03AAbDe063 on Ethereum

  3. ZKsync ERC20 Bridge deployed at 0x11f943b2c77b743AB90f4A0Ae7d5A4e7FCA3E102 on ZKsync

  4. ZKsync Shared Bridge deployed at 0xD7f9f54194C633F36CCD5F3da84ad4a1c38cB2cB on Ethereum

  5. ZKsync beacon proxy deployed at 0x1Eb710030273e529A6aD7E1e14D4e601765Ba3c6 on ZKsync

  6. ZKsync Validator Timelock deployed at 0xa8CB082A5a689E0d594d7da1E2d72A3D63aDc1bD on Ethereum

  7. ZKsync Wrapped Ether contract deployed at 0x57891966931Eb4Bb6FB81430E6cE0A03AAbDe063 on ZKsync

ZK Credo

  1. The ZK Credo sets out the vision and values of ZKsync.

Governance Bodies

  1. The governance bodies that participate in the ZKsync governance system includes:

    1. Token Assembly: The Token Assembly is a governance body made up of ZK token holders who delegate the voting power of the ZK tokens they hold to ZKsync addresses in order to participate in the ZKsync governance system.

      1. The voting power of the Token Assembly is held and exercised by the individuals that have control over the ZKsync addresses to which voting power has been designated ("Delegates").

      2. Delegates vote on every major decision, including protocol upgrades and governance parameters. The Token Assembly is designed to reflect the interests of the community (users, validators, developers, and projects building on ZKsync).

    2. ZKsync Security Council: The Security Council is a governance body that consists of security experts who are appointed at inception and serve as a technical security service. The Security Council approves regularly scheduled protocol upgrades approved by the Token Assembly, can instantly freeze the protocol in the case of an emergency, and may also propose an emergency upgrade, subject to the approval of both the ZKsync Foundation and Guardians.

    3. ZKsync Guardians: Guardians are a governance body that serves as a protector of the values of the ZK Nation, as embodied by the ZK Credo. Guardians have the independent power to veto proposals that may put the mission and values of ZK Nation at risk. Guardians are appointed at inception and govern themselves autonomously.

Supporting Entities

  1. ZKsync Foundation: The ZKsync Foundation is a Cayman foundation that supports the adoption of ZKsync technology to create a future of freedom and prosperity.

  2. ZKsync Association: The ZKsync Association for the Promotion of the Digital zkSync Ecosystem (Verein zur Förderung des digitalen Ökosystems ZkSync) is an Austrian association (Verein) responsible for the initial governance design, appointment of initial governance body members, and promoting the sustainable governance of the ZKsync protocol, as embodied by the ZK Credo.

Standard Governance Procedures

  1. Proposals in the ZKsync governance system are voted on by Delegates and executed by smart contracts deployed for the purpose of decentralized onchain governance (such smart contracts, "Governors").

  2. There are three (3) Governors in the ZKsync governance system:

    1. Protocol Governor: responsible for executing proposals that upgrade the ZKsync protocol and/or components of the ZKsync governance system. These proposals are voted on by Delegates.

    2. Token Governor: responsible for executing proposals that assign minting and burning rights of ZK tokens. These proposals are voted on by Delegates.

    3. GovOps Governor: responsible for facilitating proposals related to governance and operations that may or may not require autonomous onchain execution. These proposals are voted on by Delegates.

Emergency Governance Procedures

  1. Emergency Governance Procedures, which include procedures to execute a protocol upgrade to ZKsync to address threats that pose immediate security risks to the ZKsync ecosystem and/or the ZKsync governance system, will be detailed in future communications.

  2. The three (3) governance bodies involved in initiating and/or executing emergency upgrades are the Security Council, Guardians, and ZKsync Foundation.

Last updated