ZKsync Governance Contract Addresses

ZKsync Governance System: Production Contracts

L2 Contracts

L1 Contracts

ZKsync Governance System: Testnet Contracts

L2 Contracts

L1 Contracts

Ownership Transfer Sequence

  1. A transfer of ownership of L1SharedBridge, BridgeHub, StateTransitionManager, ValidatorTimelock from a centralized 4/7 multisig to the decentralized ProtocolUpgradeHandler was proposed. Transaction link.

  2. EmergencyUpgradeBoard accepted ownership of the contracts in the previous step by executing an emergency upgrade approved by the Security Council, Guardians, and the Foundation. Transaction link.

  3. Ownership of ProxyAdmin was transferred to the decentralized ProtocolUpgradeHandler. Transaction link.

  4. Onwership of Era L2 ProxyAdmin was transferred to the decentralized ProtocolUpgradeHandler, aliased L2 address 0xA08b9912416E8aDc4D9C21Fae1415d3318A129A8. Transaction link.

  5. Ownership of Era UpgradeableBeacon was transferred to the decentralized ProtocolUpgradeHandler, aliased L2 address 0xA08b9912416E8aDc4D9C21Fae1415d3318A129A8. Transaction link.

  6. Ownership of Era L2 bridge was transferred to Era L2 ProxyAdmin. Transanction link.

  7. Ownership of Era L2 wETH was transferred to Era L2 ProxyAdmin. Transaction link.

  8. Ownership of Cronos L2 Bridge was transferred to the decentralized ProtocolUpgradeHandler, aliased L2 address 0xA08b9912416E8aDc4D9C21Fae1415d3318A129A8. Transaction link.

  9. Ownership of Cronos L2 UpgradeableBeacon was transferred to the decentralized ProtocolUpgradeHandler, aliased L2 address 0xA08b9912416E8aDc4D9C21Fae1415d3318A129A8. Transaction link.

  10. ZK Token Admin role was granted to the decentralized ProtocolUpgradeHandler, Minter and Minter Admin roles granted to the TimelockController of the decentralized Token Governor, all other admin roles revoked. Transaction link.

If you want to learn more about connecting to ZKsync Mainnet and Testnet contracts, please visit docs.zksync.io.

Last updated