ZKsync Delegation Standards

ℹ️ The ZKsync Delegate Standards are opt-in, but all Delegates within the ZKsync Token Assembly are expected to adhere to the following set of standards in addition to the ZK Nation Code of Conduct.

In addition to the general community standards outlined in the ZK Nation Code of Conduct, delegates are held to a set of more specific standards that support healthy governance.

Good Faith & Best Interest

  • Delegates should act with honesty, integrity, and transparency, at all times.

  • Delegates should operate and vote in what they believe is in the best interest of the ZKsync network & ecosystem.

  • Delegates should be committed to fostering a safe, welcoming, and harassment-free environment for all.

  • There will be no tolerance for discrimination against any person based on geographic, ethnic, sexual, religious, or other identifying features.

Care & Attention

  • Delegates should provide due care and attention in their role, making professional and unbiased reviews of each proposal prior to the submission of their vote.

  • Delegates should ensure that they communicate the rationale behind each of their votes in a clear and accessible way (e.g. on the forum).

    👉 Aim to provide comments with thoughts and attitudes towards new proposal drafts posted on the forum before they are submitted onchain.

  • Delegates should maintain a working knowledge of developments & happenings within the network and community of ZKsync.

Conflicts of Interest

  • Delegates should avoid conflicts of interest where possible and mitigate their impact when not possible. Please disclose any conflicts of interest in your Tally Delegate profile and be sure to keep it up to date as things change.

Communication, Availability and Responsiveness

  • Delegates should - within reason - be accessible to the community to answer questions, respond to comments, and discuss issues. They should try to maintain an active presence on community channels.

  • Delegates should communicate their intention to stop being a delegate at least one month in advance to allow ZK holders to re-delegate.

    👉 Post an announcement on the forum under Delegates to let the community know they should re-delegate any ZK that is currently delegated to your address.


  • The Delegate Standards will not cover all possible scenarios and edge cases. We ask that delegates please act in accordance with the spirit of the Code and refrain from exploiting loopholes that may exist.

  • Any changes to the Delegate Standards should be discussed on the forum under the Delegates category.


Last updated

#77: Docs Restucture: Add categories, add pages (Guidelines still missing)

Change request updated