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In these docs you can find information about ZK Nation, the ZK token, ZKsync governance system, and frequently asked questions.

ZKsync Governance Testnet Contracts

  • L1 Testnet Protocol Upgrade Handler: 0x9B956d242e6806044877C7C1B530D475E371d544

  • L2 Testnet ZK Token: 0x69e5DC39E2bCb1C17053d2A4ee7CAEAAc5D36f96

  • L2 Testnet ZkProtocolGovernor: 0x5a6862ee581b6cDb517D24f0a69237f9D900C23C

    • Timelock Controller: 0x59EF1efe5e031b56a987603cD9CBAfBA48Dd1833

  • L2 Testnet ZkTokenGovernor: 0x98fF5B31bBa84f5Ad05a7635a436151F74aDa466

    • Token Governor Timelock: 0x0d9DD6964692a0027e1645902536E7A3b34AA1d7

  • L2 Testnet ZkGovOpsGovernor: 0xD596BC795a61B8abA327E1b1C7C24E17e11C3f31

    • GovOps Governor Timelock: 0x407419e7F1AeDD30ACB1E1B2859d1C15B3fB81A4

For other information about ZKsync, visit the homepage at zksync.io

Last updated

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